(for use with the ADC-4, ADC-16 and the EX-16, EX-32 Relay Expansion Cards)
The following codes will send direct adc control commands to the ADC-16, allowing the ADC-16 to be controlled with any operating system or programming language (including DOS).
Relays are energized or de-energized by transmitting a single byte code from the computer RS-232. Even codes de-energize relays. Odd codes energize relays. The relay will latch in the requested state until the discrete relay control code (energize or de-energize) is received or until power to the ADC-16 is removed. The relay codes are in sequence up to code 255 (relay #1 codes =
32 and 33, relay #2 codes = 34 and 35, relay #3 codes = 36 and 37, etc.)
Please note that special drivers or DLLs are not used. The following code directly controls the ADC-16.
Use this code to set your com port:
SerialPort1.PortName = "COM1"
SerialPort1.BaudRate = 19200
Use this code to send the ADC-16 data request command:
XOut = Chr(0) 'set variable to channel 1 code
SerialPort1.Write(XOut) 'send
'To Receive:
XIn = SerialPort1.ReadByte 'XIn is analog data
Use this code to set your com port:
serialPort1.PortName = "Com1";
serialPort1.BaudRate = 19200;
Use this code to send the ADC-16 data request command:
channelByte[0] = 0; //channel 1 code
serialPort1.Write(channelByte,0,1); //transmit
//to receive:
InByte[i] = serialPort1.ReadByte(); //InByte[i] is analog array
The following two formulas are used to control the ADC-16 relays up to relay #128.
The command...
SerialPort1.Write(Chr(255)) will energize relay #128.
EXAMPLE: 255 = (128 times 2) - 1. Use these formulas in your software to compute relay code as a function of relay number and status.
RELAY CODE = (RELAY # times 2) - 1 energize relay
RELAY CODE = (RELAY # times 2) - 2 de-energize relay
More detailed information is provided with the documentation supplied with
the ADC-16. Programming examples are provided on CD in Microsoft Visual Basic (both VB6 and .Net), Microsoft ASP.Net, Microsoft
Visual C#, C++, Python, Turbo C, GW Basic, QuickBasic, Assembly and others. Desktop Analog Acquisition/Relay Control software and Data Logger is also provided.
Copyright ©1996 - 2025 Electronic Energy Control, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
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